Thursday 19th – Wedding of Louise Hetmaniuk and David Thorrington Friday 20th: 2-4pm tea and cakes in the Village Hall in aid of Langdale CofE Primary
Saturday 21st – Wedding of Laura Prichard and Rob Hood
Sunday 22nd – Combined service at 11am in St Mary’s, Ambleside, on the theme of reconciliation. (No service this Sunday in Langdale, therefore Communion offered to those who would like it at 1.30p.m. on Monday)
Monday 23rd – 2pm Time of prayer for Christian Unity, followed by refreshments.
Advent and Christmas 2016
Sunday 27th
“Welcome Yule” – a medley of carols, old and new, interspersed with poems and seasonal readings performed by the enormously talented Harrogate Festival Choral Course. Do come, listen and enjoy this popular annual event… It is a wonderful way to kick-start the Christmas season. The performance is at Holy Trinity Church from 3.00 to 4.00pm, followed by refreshments. There is no charge; donations welcome.
Sunday 18th at 3pm
Carols by candle-light: follow and re-live the Christmas story through readings and songs & stay for mince pies and a hot drink afterwards.
Wednesday 21st at 6.30pm
Carol singing around Ambleside with fellow Christians from all the other Ambleside churches; we meet by the Health Centre on Rydal Road before serenading those in the Greenbank Estate.
Friday 23rd at 6.30pm
We meet at the Bus shelter in Chapel Stile at 6.30pm before singing around the village. Visitors most welcome to come along.
Saturday 24th at 11pm
See in Christmas day up at the Church with carols and readings at our Midnight Communion Service.
Christmas Day at 10.30am
Come and celebrate our Saviour’s birth by joining in the all age worship on Christmas morning, followed by a short said Holy Communion.
Sunday 11stat 10.30am
Begin the New Year as you mean to continue by taking stock of your life asking God to help us fix on helpful New Year Resolutions – a time of prayer and recommitment.
Sunday 8th January at 10.30am
The first Sunday of Epiphany when Christ was revealed to the Wise Men. We look at Matthew chapter 2 and ponder the significance of their visit to the stable.
Lent to Easter 2016
1st March 2017
Ash Wednesday
To be celebrated with our brother and sister Christians in Ambleside with a Communion and imposition of ashes at 7.0 pm in St Mary’s Ambleside.
8th March 2017
12 – 1.30pm
Simple lunch at The Baptist Church on Compston Road. All welcome. No charge; donations to the work of Christian Aid among Refugees.
“Lectio Divina” Fr Kevan Dorgan leads a course in this ancient monastic practice which is becoming more appreciated again in today’s world – in Mater Amabilis, Wansfell Road at 7pm under the auspices of CTAD – Christians of all denominations welcome. (To be confirmed)
26th March
Fourth Sunday in Lent.
Mothering Sunday. Luke 2, 25 – 40. The childhood of Jesus and insights into the life of the holy family. The service will be shorter than usual with accessible songs and liturgy. We hope this will have something to say to people of whatever age. Children present will be able to bring their mothers (and other ladies present) the gift of a posy. Our deep thanks to the Meschino family for providing these in memory of Jilly.
2nd April Passion Sunday
Sixth and final Sunday in Lent (Palm Sunday) Luke 19, 28 – 44, with the opportunity for those who wish to carry branches around the church building in the traditional re-enactment of The Triumphal Entry.
Services in the first three days of Holy Week will be largely in conjunction with our friends in Brathay and Ambleside – details later.
9th April Palm Sunday
13th April – Maundy Thursday.
7pm Meeting with Communion in the Upper Room at Little Langdale Chapel. (150 yards past the Three Shires Pub on your right).
14th April
Good Friday.
Meet up by High Close Youth Hostel at 9am to carry the cross to Ambleside via Loughrigg Terrace and Rydal Hall. At Ambleside we meet up with others in Churches Together at 11am as we tell the Passion story in Bible readings and hymns around the village.
16th April
Easter Sunday
6am Dawn Service – entering the darkened church by candlelight and emerging at dawn to celebrate communion on the front porch as the sun rises. Breakfast in the Vicarage afterwards.
10.30 am – all-age service with Communion, followed by an Easter egg hunt for children in the churchyard afterwards.
Special events in the Christmas season
Special events in the 2016 Christmas season
Sunday 27th November
“Welcome Yule” – a medley of carols, old and new, interspersed with poems and seasonal readings performed by the enormously talented Harrogate Festival Choral Course. Do come, listen and enjoy this popular annual event… It is a wonderful way to kick-start the Christmas season. The performance is at Holy Trinity Church from 3.0 to 4.0pm, followed by refreshments. There is no charge; donations welcome.
Sunday 18th December at 3pm
Carols by candle-light: follow and re-live the Christmas story through readings and songs. Refreshments afterwards.
Wednesday 21st December
Carol singing around Ambleside along with Christians from other local churches. Starting at 6.30pm: meet-up point Ambleside Health Centre on Rydal Road? (Dry weather and wet weather options, so come anyway! Ending at the Golden Rule)
Thursday 22nd December
Carol singing around Chapel Stile – meet up at the Bus Shelter just near the Co-op at 6.30pm (Come shower-proof, will tolerate any weather except total downpour!)
Saturday 24th 11pm
See in Christmas day up at the Church with carols and readings at our Midnight Communion Service.
Christmas Day at 10.30am
Come and celebrate our Saviour’s birth by joining in the all age worship on Christmas morning, followed by a short said Holy Communion.
Sunday 1st January 2017
10.30 am Greet the first day of the New Year with carols and a Covenant Service at which people have the opportunity to ask for God’s help with their resolutions & especially the resolution to serve God more faithfully in the year ahead.