26th February Ash Wednesday. We join brothers and sisters in St Mary’s Ambleside for a service to mark the beginning of this season. There will be Communion and the imposition of ashes
March First
Sunday in Lent. Luke 4: 1 – 13. The temptations in the wilderness.
typical are they of our temptations? Is there such a being as the Devil
or is this just a shorthand 1st century way of describing the absence of
good? Are fasting and mortification still relevant in the 21st Century?
8th March Second Sunday in Lent. Luke
13: 31 – end. The lament over Jerusalem. This is a Communion Service.
15th March Third Sunday in Lent.
Luke 13: 1 – 9. The parable of the barren fig tree. Repent or
perish. This is a Communion Service.
22nd March Mothering Sunday. All-age
service celebrating the gift of life, and the loving parenthood of God.
As is traditional here a posy will be given during the service to all ladies
present at the service. This is not a Communion Service.
29th March Fifth Sunday in Lent (Passion Sunday). John 12: 1 – 8. The anointing of Jesus’ feet with oil. This is a Communion Service.
1st April 9:45-12 noon. Easter-themed craft day in Holy Trinity for primary age children.
5th April Sixth Sunday in Lent (Palm Sunday). Liturgy of the Palms, and focus on the Triumphal Entry of Christ into Jerusalem. This is a Baptismal Service.
9th April.
Maundy Thursday. Commemoration of the Last Supper of Christ. John
chapters 13 – 17 in a Tenebrae service with Communion.
10th April.
Good Friday. Meet up by High Close Youth Hostel at 9am to carry the cross
over to Ambleside. It is mainly downhill and there are several pauses for
a reflection on the events of that day. At 11am we join in with a
Churches Together act of united witness.
12 April.
EASTER DAY – Hallelujah! Dawn Communion service at 6am followed by
breakfast in the Vicarage.

10.30 am. All age praise and communion service, followed by Easter egg hunt in the churchyard.