November Sunday 27th “Welcome Yule” – a medley of carols, old and new, interspersed with poems and seasonal readings performed by the enormously talented Harrogate Festival Choral Course. Do come, listen and enjoy this popular annual event… It is a
Lent to Easter 2016
1st March 2017 Ash Wednesday To be celebrated with our brother and sister Christians in Ambleside with a Communion and imposition of ashes at 7.0 pm in St Mary’s Ambleside. 8th March 2017 12 – 1.30pm Simple lunch at The
Special events in the Christmas season
Special events in the 2016 Christmas season Sunday 27th November “Welcome Yule” – a medley of carols, old and new, interspersed with poems and seasonal readings performed by the enormously talented Harrogate Festival Choral Course. Do come, listen and enjoy